Mosquitoes treatments whether they are natural based treatments or synthetic-based treatments are evaluated for safety from United State’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency. These registered compounds are safe and effective when they are prepared and applied according to their labeled use. Prior to their approval for use, scientific risk-assessments are performed by the PMRA, using all available data. From such assessments, acceptable safe residue levels are established which is often six orders of magnitude—one-millionth—of levels that could be harmful. However, we do recommend that children and pets be kept inside during spraying, and for a minimum of 30 minutes after the application has been completed.

No. The products Mosquitoes Hero uses are completely safe for any other animals when used according to label directions. We recommend waiting for the application to dry (approximately half an hour) prior to allowing pets in your yard.

Nope! Although we would love to see our customers, it is not necessary for someone to be present on the day of service. If you properly prepare for the service the morning of, there should be no problems. If you are unable to be home for our visit, we’ll send out a service summary through email or via text, indicating details about the service we performed.

Mosquitoes King takes the size of your property into consideration when deciding these factors. We price our applications based on the size and density of your property and the amount of product we’ll need to use. Each property is unique, and we customize our application to successfully treat your mosquito problem. Request a free quote from us, today!Contact us

Mosquitoes tend to rest on the underside of leaf surfaces, in dense plant material such as trees, shrubs, hedges, grasses & under structures like decks, porches, and stairways.

Absolutely. If you’re determined to protect yourself and your family from mosquitoes then a professional mosquito control service is your best option. The spray applied during service visits can eliminate entire mosquito populations and their larvae.

However, pest professionals don’t just spray, they also inspect your property for anything that may be drawing mosquitoes in. A mosquito control service makes sure you are as protected as you can be.

The barrier spray applied to your property will keep mosquitoes away for 3-4 weeks. After the barrier spray has sat for a about month, the sun causes the product to break down. During mosquito season, we recommend that you have your yard re-treated every 3-4 weeks to best protect your property from mosquitoes.

The spray product used during professional mosquitoes control applications only requires about a half an hour to adequately dry. Once the spray has had 30 minutes or so to dry, the product has completely set in. Any rain or water will not change the effectiveness of the product at that point. After 3-4 weeks the spray is eventually broken down by the sun, but water will not remove the spray.