Mosquitoes Control

Fly fly away – right out of my home!


If you believe you have a mosquitoes problem at your home or business, don’t hesitate to contact us today and ask about our mosquito services! Mosquitoes King technician will start with a customer interview and a thorough inspection of the exterior of your home.

The technician will be looking for areas where mosquitoes are likely to breed. While stagnant water is the optimal breeding environment, mosquitoes can also breed in conditions with minimal moisture, such as sprinkler heads or in algae buildup in poorly maintained gutters.

At Mosquitoes King, we don’t just treat the symptoms; we eliminate the root cause. Our arsenal includes powerful surface treatments to target fleas at rest and strategic bait traps to tackle those constantly on the move.

How Mosquitoes King controls mosquitoes

Mosquitoes love to find cool, damp places to rest during the day. Their primary feeding times are dusk and dawn and that means they like hiding in mulch, low-lying vegetation, low limbs on trees, and other shady places.

Our licensed and trained Technicians will seek out the most likely places on your property where mosquitoes might be hiding.

The Technician will create a barrier, coating vegetation surrounding your home, and other likely hiding places, with a treatment that will kill the adults when they touch those places. This barrier can last months, but does require regular re-applications.

Your Technician will also advise you on things you can do around your property to prevent future infestations like cutting back vegetation and removing standing water.

Mosquito bites: how to avoid them

Mosquitoes can really put a damper on your summer evening and early morning activities especially if you love to be outdoors. Mosquito bites, at the very least, are itchy and irritating. Throw in the concerns over disease, it is becoming increasingly important to avoid mosquito bites.

One of the best ways to find mosquito bite relief is to avoid them altogether. Stay inside during dawn and dusk hours.If you do go outside, wear long pants and long sleeved shirts that cover as much skin as possible. Mosquitoes can detect bare skin and sense carbon dioxide exhaled from animals and people up to 23 meters away.


MosquitoEs King Flies reduction plan

Step 1


Our professional flea removals starts with an inspection of your home including the pet areas but be sure to get your pets to the veterinarian.

Step 2


We will customize pest control flea treatment to help with flea control in your home and provide you with the steps you can take to help.

Step 3


Fleas are covered under our TotalHome™ Protection Plan. It’s a set-it-and-forget-it way to handle fleas ongoing, all year long.

Mosquito Feeding and Breeding Habits

Mosquitos are most abundant, beginning in mid to late May and lasting into August (depending on the weather). There are over 80 species of mosquitoes throughout the United States, and each has its own unique mating and feeding habits. In general, mosquitos are most likely to feed relatively close to their breeding site (within a 30-meter radius), but they will fly as far as 2.4 km to satisfy their insatiable appetite.

Mosquitoes typically breed in standing water, such as ponds and puddles, but they can also breed in containers, such as tires and birdbaths. To prevent mosquitos from setting up shop in your yard, be sure to empty any containers of standing water on a regular basis.

Whatever The Pest… We Do It Best!

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